Airbags for Suspension 101: The air bag suspension system.
An electric pump or compressor powers an air bag suspension system, which forces air into rubber bags typically made of polyurethane and rubber with textile reinforcement. The airbags are inflated to a specific air pressure using a compressor. It's crucial to remember that the air inside the bag functions as a spring. (A hydropneumatics suspension, which makes use of pressurized hydraulic liquid rather than air, should not be confused with an air bag suspension.
What Is an Air Bag Suspension System Used For?
Air bag suspensions are used in place of the conventional steel-spring suspension in heavy weight commercial vehicles, such as trucks, tractor-trailers, passenger buses, and even passenger trains, to achieve a smooth ride quality.
The Suspension Lift
A suspension lift kit is the best option if you love to explore the great outdoors. Suspension lift kits increase the truck's suspension travel, raising the entire truck as a result. You'll have space for bigger off-road tires and more ground clearance, allowing you to navigate any terrain without risking damage to your truck’s undercarriage.
You have the option to raise your truck a few more inches with the help of suspension lift kits. Suspension lift kits can extend up to nine or twelve inches, whereas body lift kits typically cap out at five inches, allowing you to completely alter the appearance and feel of your truck .
Do you want more details about suspension and airbags? Or needing suspension air bag installation services? Contact us, and one of our representatives will be glad to speak with you.

If ever you encounter these kinds of problems with your truck, we at Precision Fleet Maintenance are happy to provide you with our services 24/7, Give us a call at (845) 519-8488 or fill out the the Emergency Request Form.